Please note: The Museum is currently closed until a new Trust or Operating Model
can be established.
The Friends of the Falconer Museum is the long-standing volunteer group that aids the museum in all aspects of work. The workforce of volunteers help every week to maintain the collections housed within the museum.
When the Museum is open, the Friends meet every week on a Wednesday morning in the Museum Store from 10.30 – 12.30. The Friends all have different work that they take part in. Currently, we have volunteers helping with our online database, cleaning of artifacts, copying and rearranging of files, and fixing, maintaining, and making items for the new and permanent exhibits.

The Friends of the Falconer Museum meet in the Museum Store, making full use of the museum lab and fully functional workshop.
The Friends welcome all new skills and help to assist the smooth running of the museum. That’s not all they do, the Friends also arrange for special guest speakers to come and do demonstrations and talks for the group. Without the help of these treasured volunteers, we would not be able to do the many wonderful activities and exhibits that the museum hosts.